- Investigations into the Impact of the Template Layer on ZnO Nanowire Arrays Made Using LT Chemical Growth
R. Erdelyi et al.
Cryst. Growth & Design. (2011) 11, 2515–2519
- Interpretation of the two-components observed in high resolution X-ray diffraction ω scan peaks for mosaic ZnO thin films grown on c-sapphire substrates using pulsed laser deposition
O. Durand et al.
Thin Solid Films 519 19 (2011) 6369–6373
- Studies of PLD-grown ZnO and MBE-grown GaP mosaic thin films by x-ray scattering methods: beyond the restrictive Omega rocking curve linewidth as a figure-of-merit
O. Durand et al.
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7940 (2011) 79400L-1
- Application of dilute boron B(Al,In,Ga)N alloys for UV light sources
S. Gautier et al.
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7940 (2011) 79400X-1
- Use of PLD-grown Moth-eye ZnO Nanostructures as Templates for MOVPE Growth of InGaN-Based PV
D. J. Rogers et al.
Renewable Energy & the Environment, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2011) paper PWB3
- Amorphous ZnO Films Grown by Room Temperature Pulsed Laser Deposition on Paper and Mylar for Transparent Electronics Applications
D. J. Rogers et al.
Proc. of SPIE 7940 (2011) 79401K-1
Contributions à des conférences internationales
- Studies of PLD-grown ZnO and MBE-grown GaP mosaic thin films by x-ray scattering methods: beyond the restrictive ω rocking curve linewidth as a figure-of-merit
O. Durand et al.
Oxide-based Materials & Devices II, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA (2011)
- Interpretation of the two-components observed in high resolution X-ray diffraction ω scan peaks from mosaic thin films: case of both PLD-grown ZnO on c-sapphire substrate and MBE-grown GaP on silicon substrate
O. Durand et al.
3rd International Workshop on « Current trends and advanced ellipsometric and XRD techniques for the characterization of nanostructured materials », « Ilie Murgulescu » Institute of Physical Chemistry, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania. (2011)
- Use of PLD-grown Moth-eye ZnO Nanostructures as Templates for MOVPE Growth of InGaN-Based PV
D. J. Rogers et al.
Optical Society of America, Optical Nanostructures & Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics Topical Meeting, Austin, Texas (2011)
- A Novel Lift-off Approach for (In)GaN PV Using ZnO Template Layers
D. J. Rogers et al.
SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Francisco (2011)
Invited Speech, SPIE Photonics West Conference, 22-27 Jan (2011)
- Integration of InGaN-based Solar Cells on Low Cost Substrates Using ZnO Templates
D. J. Rogers et al.
SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Francisco (2011)
Invited Speech, SPIE Photonics West Conference, 22-27 Jan (2011)
- 3rd Generation Transparent Electronics Based on Hybridisation of GaN & ZnO
D. J. Rogers & F. Hosseini Teherani
EMRS Fall Conference, Warsaw, Sept (2011)
Présentations orales
- Novel Chemical lift-off Approach for (In)GaN Using Sacrificial ZnO Template Layers
D. J. Rogers et al.
9th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors, Glasgow, July (2011)