

  • Use of PLD-grown Moth-eye ZnO Nanostructures as Templates for MOVPE Growth of InGaN-Based PV
    D. J. Rogers et al.
    Renewable Energy & the Environment, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2011) paper PWB3

Contributions à des conférences internationales

  • Use of PLD-grown Moth-eye ZnO Nanostructures as Templates for MOVPE Growth of InGaN-Based PV
    D. J. Rogers et al.
    Optical Society of America, Optical Nanostructures & Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics Topical Meeting, Austin, Texas (2011)
  • A Novel Lift-off Approach for (In)GaN PV Using ZnO Template Layers
    D. J. Rogers et al.
    SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Francisco (2011)
    Invited Speech, SPIE Photonics West Conference, 22-27 Jan (2011)
  • Integration of InGaN-based Solar Cells on Low Cost Substrates Using ZnO Templates
    D. J. Rogers et al.
    SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Francisco (2011)
    Invited Speech, SPIE Photonics West Conference, 22-27 Jan (2011)
  • 3rd Generation Transparent Electronics Based on Hybridisation of GaN & ZnO
    D. J. Rogers & F. Hosseini Teherani
    EMRS Fall Conference, Warsaw, Sept (2011)

Présentations orales

  • Novel Chemical lift-off Approach for (In)GaN Using Sacrificial ZnO Template Layers
    D. J. Rogers et al.
    9th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors, Glasgow, July (2011)