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Publications (2019 – 2022)
Two-dimensional confinement of excitons at the interface in non-polar MgZnO-ZnO heterostructures
M. Zakria et al.
Accepted for publication: Physical Review Materials (2022)
Effect of high-energy electron irradiation on the electronic properties of -gallium oxide
T.-H. Dang et al.
Proc. of SPIE (2022)
Microstrip Array Ring FETs with 2D p-Ga2O3 Channels grown by MOCVD
M. Razeghi et al.
Photonics 8, 578 (2021)
Preparation & Characterization of β-Ga2O3-based Photodetectors for UV Detection Applications
H. Ghorbel et al.
Proc. of 7th International Conference on Sensors Engineering & Electronics Instrumentation Advances, Mallorca (2021)
Performances and Calibrations of New Disruptive UVC Sensors for New Space Applications
I. Sidi Boumeddine et al.
Proc. of 7th International Conference on Sensors Engineering & Electronics Instrumentation Advances, Mallorca (2021)
Use of Sacrificial Zinc Oxide Template Layers for Epitaxial Lift-Off of Yttria-Stabilised Zirconia Thin Films
D. J. Rogers et al.
Proc. of SPIE 11687 (2021) 116872C-1
Zinc-Oxide-Based Electronics and Photonics
D. J. Rogers et al.
Encyclopedia of Materials: Technical Ceramics and Glasses, Oxford: Elsevier vol. 3 (2021) 241–253
Development and Simulated Environment Testing of β-(Al)Ga2O3-based Photodetectors for Space-based Observation of the Herzberg Continuum
X. Arrateig et al.
Proc. of SPIE 11858 (2021) 1185813-1
Sharp/Tuneable UVC Selectivity and Extreme Solar Blindness in Nominally Undoped Ga2O3 MSM Photodetectors Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition
D. J. Rogers et al.
Proc. SPIE 11687 (2021) 116872D-1
A walk on the frontier of energy electronics with power ultra-wide bandgap oxides and ultra-thin neuromorphic 2D materials
A. Pérez-Tomás et al.
Proc. SPIE 11687 (2021) 116871Y-1
UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essential Climate Variables
M. Meftah et al.
Remote Sens. 12, (2020) 92
Structure and Optical Signatures of Nitrogen Acceptors in MgZnO
M. Zakria et al.
J. Mater. Chem. C. 19 (2020)
Red Luminescence in H-doped β-Ga2O3
T. T. Huynh, E. Chikoidze, M. Zakria, Y. Dumont, F. H. Teherani, E. V. Sandana, P. Bove, D. J. Rogers, M. R. Phillips, C. Ton-That
Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 085201 (2020)
Solar-blind Conducting Gallium Oxide Enables Record Bulk Photovoltaic Effect
A. Perez-Tomas et al.
Materials Today Energy, 14 (2019) 100350
Puzzling robust 2D metallic conductivity in undoped -Ga2O3 thin Films
E. Chikoidze et al.
Materials Today Physics 8 (2019) 10 – 17
p-Type Thin Film Field Effect Transistors Based on Lithium-doped Nickel Oxide Channels Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition
V. E. Sandana et al.
Proc. of SPIE 10919 (2019) 109191H-1